Miyerkules, Enero 9, 2013

Just a thought

So we didn't see any meteors falling from the sky last December 21st. No 100-foot tsunamis, no major earthquakes and no ghoulish zombies either. No one took out their cameras, snapped pictures of Mother Earth’s rage and scrambled to upload it on the web. I certainly felt better when I was able to sleep that day and wake up hearing birds chirping outside. Naglaba pa nga ako eh. But admit it -- for those who knew, the back pockets of your mind were tingling with thoughts of whether you’d survive or not. Am I right or AM I RIGHT? The day ended with posts on Facebook either thanking God or spreading jokes about the ancient Meso-American tribe that probably has gone bonkers over the stars and created a calendar that would scare the shit out of a civilization thousands of years later.

We all waved our little flags of victory by the time the clock struck 12 am the next day. I did not believe because I chose FAITH over man-made theories BUT with all honesty, I look at the stars differently now. If we separate religion from science, maybe…just MAYBE, the Mayans were just giving us a heads up of what’s going to happen.

So there I was, glued to History Channel and squeezing the juice out of my brain, trying to absorb what these scientists were trying to explain. And then, I started to think – I looked at an image of God hanging on my parent’s bedroom wall and asked myself -- AM I so sure I’d still be sitting in the same comfy spot tomorrow? Am I being TOO confident that God will save me? – enough for me to disregard the warning signs and be consumed with things that may NOT be there tomorrow?

Another year is about to reach its end. 2013 is fast approaching. Of course, you've probably asked yourself what happened to you for the last 12 months. You’re probably giving yourself a gentle pat on the back for surviving. -- You got over him. You got over her. You bought a new house. You bought a new car. You got that loan approved. You finally finished paying the mortgage. You got those bastard banks off your back. You want an Iphone 5. You want that Louise Vuitton bag. You want to lose weight. You want EVERYTHING. -- but does that all count?

Should LIFE flourish for a thousand years more, what will be YOUR story? … And if our Lord decides to reset everything, are you ready? Before I start sounding like an insurance agent, let me say these words: NOTHING is permanent. So just be thankful.

Let’s end this year with all our fingers still attached and with smiles on our faces… Let us end this year full of THANKS and HOPE in our hearts.

If you think 2012 was a walk in the park, I hope 2013 will be a walk in the clouds.

Again, HAPPY NEW YEAR and God bless all of you.

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