Linggo, Agosto 5, 2012

Bills. More complicated in the Philippines.

     I was enjoying a yummy lunch treat while browsing through Sunday's paper when I came across this caricature of our President holding a big bag of money allotted for the RH Bill -- while people in the background speak of budget for jobs, housing, medicine and what have you's...

     I purposely relinquished my right to vote the last time we had national elections because I didn't feel like anyone in the line up leveled with what the country needs. The only regret I have is not securing that precious voter's ID.  I am not pro-Aquino and yeah, you might as well tag me as one of the millions of passive Pinoys who couldn't care less about local issues so long as their BB cellphones work and they get free Wi-fi... but this time though, I sincerely believe in what this man is doing. He's no simpleton, mind you... and he's bravely introduced changes that most Filipinos are scared shit to accept -- an attitude he probably got from his slightly infamous sister. Oh well, papel...going back, the picture is so simple -- if you open your mind more than your eyes and your mouth.

    Don't get me wrong. I love life. I am a mother of two beautiful boys and I don't regret having them even if I got pregnant too early in my life. I know how it feels to carry a baby in my womb and I know the beauty of feeling a baby's kick in the course of pregnancy. As much as I loved the feeling of having a little angel grow inside me, I also felt the pressure of thinking how I can raise my kid decently. Of course, no mother would want her child to grow hungry. Being privileged enough to come from a decent family, I have minimal problems when it comes to providing for my kids. But that's just me -- what about those who come from the poorest of the poor?  

     --- No matter how Government tries to generate jobs, provide medicine and all the services for tax-paying Juan Dela Cruz, if the problem about population growth is not dealt with, no amount of effort can ever pluck us out of bad debts and change our "bahala na" system of living. What Government is trying to do is fix the ROOT of the problem instead of just painstakingly deal with its effects. Focus is given to securing that every Filipino family is educated about reproductive health and GUIDE them in deciding wisely. No shotguns being pointed, no diabolic scheme is being cooked.

          Seriously, the Clergy should weigh the issues first before they drag thousands of Pinoys to the streets. The Bill is PRO MOTHER and CHILD, for heaven's sake! And as for the politicians who jump in the bandwagon -- I dare not say STATESMEN -- they should be more concerned about keeping their hidden wealth somewhere in Europe while preparing for the next round of elections. Certainly, ex-CJ Corona and Gloria M will accept prison cell buddies, you know.

           If we misuse the Scriptures to impede our development and if we keep ourselves misinformed, then we're going to find ourselves stagnant in this situation for centuries to come. 20 years from now, you'll still see children begging in the streets, you'll learn of poor families fighting to survive and you'll still watch goddamn protesters burning effigies, screaming their lungs out and blaming everything to whoever is seated in Malacanang.

          -- Do you really think that's what the Boss upstairs want for the Filipinos?

          Never be afraid of change if it means a better future. And in my own way of saying it -- when your faucet is broken, you don't grab a mop and bucket to wipe away water that is wasted -- what you do is grab a wrench and fix the leak.  

          Enough said.


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